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Articles and Book Contributions
- Haude, Katharina. 2009. “Hierarchical alignment in Movima.” International Journal of American Linguistics 75(4): 513–532.
- Bickel, Balthasar. 2010. “Grammatical relations typology.” In: Song, J. J. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Language Typology, 399–444. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Bickel, B., M. Rai, N. Paudyal, G. Banjade, T. N. Bhatta, M. Gaenszle, E. Lieven, I. P. Rai, N. K. Rai, & S. Stoll. 2010. “The syntax of three-argument verbs in Chintang and Belhare (Southeastern Kiranti).” In: Malchukov, A., M. Haspelmath, & B. Comrie (eds.) Studies in ditransitive constructions: a comparative handbook, 382–408. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Gildea, Spike and Flávia Castro Alves. 2010. “Nominative-Absolutive: Counter-Universal Split Ergativity in Jê and Cariban.” In: Ergativity in Amazonia, ed. by Spike Gildea and Francesc Queixalós, 159–199. Typological Studies in Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Gildea, Spike, Berend Hoff and Sérgio Meira. 2010. “The story of *ô in the Cariban family.” In: Fieldwork and linguistic analysis in Indigenous languages of the Americas, ed. by Berez, Andrea L., Daisy Rosenblum & Jean Mulder. Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 2, 91–123.
- Haude, Katharina. 2010. “Argument encoding in Movima: the local domain,” IJAL, special issue on Argument Encoding Systems in the Languages of Lowland Bolivia, eds. Rose, Francoise and Antoine Guillaume.
- Haude, Katharina. 2010. “The intransitive basis of Movima clause structure,” In: Gildea, Spike and Francesc Queixalós (eds.). Ergativity in Amazonia. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins. 285–315.
- Meira, Sérgio and Spike Gildea. 2009. “Property concepts in the Cariban family: Adjectives, adverbs and/or nouns?” In: The Linguistics of Endangered Languages — Contributions to Morphology and Morphosyntax, ed by W. Leo Wetzels. p. 95–133. Utrecht: LOT Occasional Series.
- Meira, Sérgio, Spike Gildea and Berend Hoff. 2010. “On the Origin of Ablaut in the Cariban family.” In: Historical Linguistics in South America, ed. by Spike Gildea and Vilacy Galucio. Special issue of the International Journal of American Linguistics 76: 477–515.
- Queixalós, Francesc and Spike Gildea. 2010. “Manifestations of Ergativity in Amazonia.” In: Ergativity in Amazonia, ed. by Spike Gildea and Francesc Queixalós, 1–25. Typological Studies in Language 89. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Zúñiga, Fernando. 2010. “La marca diferencial del objeto en mapudungún”. Lingüística 24: 141–164.
Books and Journal Issues
- Gildea, Spike and Francesc Queixalós (eds). 2010. Ergativity in Amazonia. Typological Studies in Language 89. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Press.
- Gildea, Spike and Ana Vilacy Galucio (eds). 2010. Historical Linguistics in Amazonia, special issue of International Journal of American Linguistics 76.4.
- Rai, N.K., M. Rai, N.P. Paudyal, R. Schikowski, B. Bickel, S. Stoll, M. Gaenszle, J. Pettigrew, T. Dirksmeyer, G. Banjade, I.P. Rai, S. Sauppe, R.M. Rai, J.K. Rai, L. K. Rai, D.B. Rai, G. Rai, D. Rai, D.B. Rai, A. Rai, C.K. Rai, S.M. Rai, & R.K. Rai . 2011 (VS 2068). Chintan sabdakos tatha vyakaran [Chintang dictionary and grammar]. Kathmandu: Chintang Language Research Programme.
- Jansen, Joana. 2010. A Grammar of Yakima Ichishkíin/Sahaptin. PhD dissertation, University of Oregon.
- Keller, Robert. 2010. Linking im Movima. Master’s thesis, University of Düsseldorf.
- Witzlack-Makarevich, Alena. 2010. Typological variation in grammatical relations. PhD dissertation, University of Leipzig.
- Schikowski, R., N. Paudyal and B. Bickel, 2010, Valency classes in Chintang. In: Hartmann, I. & M. Haspelmath [eds.] The Leipzig Valency Database. Electronic database [http://www.eva.mpg.de/lingua/valency]